Why Bats Live in Caves

Diplomatic relations have always been strained between the animals and the birds. They claim friendship, united by their shared fear of humans and hatred of reptiles, but it is an uneasy peace. From time to time, their animosity erupts into full-out war. One day, the fable is told, many years ago in a forest farContinue reading “Why Bats Live in Caves”

Arthur Conan Doyle’s Fairies

Reluctantly, Arthur Wright hands over his brand new camera to his 16-year-old daughter. It’s a Saturday afternoon in the summer of 1917 and Arthur’s daughter Elsie insists that she and her young cousin Frances simply must have the camera. Arthur entrusts them with the camera and one photographic plate—all the girls will need to takeContinue reading “Arthur Conan Doyle’s Fairies”